Quote of the Day:  It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness. ~ Charles H. Spurgeon

Whenever I’m invited to view and review a show at The Guthrie, I try to think of one new thing I can do when I go to the city. Sometimes, my guest is someone who is attending a show here for the first time. I love watching them experience something new. My publicist/friend Krista has accompanied me the most, so we try to plan something new to do, like eat some place new, or walk around somewhere. We didn’t get there early enough for the Stone Arch Festival, but we did  have time for a delicious Greek Salad at the Spoon River restaurant, right outside the Guthrie. They’re all about fresh, local ingredients, food that makes you feel good.
You know I love taking pictures of scrumptuous food like this. Plus, I just got a new lens for my Nikon camera. So, Krista and I had fun taking photos here, and again after the show down by the river. Because we were having so much fun with our cameras and our dining experience, we met these two lovely ladies.
Bernie and Chris
We exchanged cards. Chris is a writer, too.
They were going to see Amen Corner.
I invited them to read my reviews on this blog.
They asked Krista to take their picture.
Bernie took one of us.
Then, we all went in to see our shows.
You can read my review by clicking on The Guthrie tab above.
After the show, we went out of the theatre to take a walk and shoot some photos by the river, and discovered this cute motorbike that reminded us of the scene from Roman Holiday.
Just a fun shot using reflection.
One for the website whenever I get that up and going.
Plus, wanted to show off the outfit I found at a local Brainerd shop, The Olde Open Window.
I found the most awesome sandals there. Just like Princess Anne in Roman Holiday, they set my soul (soles) free and I was off on another Artist Date in the MinnieApple.
You can have an Artist Date wherever you go, or even if you stay at home. Do something new. Find a hot, new pair of shoes and a new place to where them. Invite a friend along, and don’t be afraid to talk to strangers, at least not the ones who smile and say, “Hi.” Life is an adventure…
Go. Create. Inspire!
Journaling Prompt:  Where have your soles (or souls) taken you lately?