Registration is open for Play off the Page Youth Theatre Workshops, 2017!

Life is also like a game of tug-o-war! Summer Play off the Page Theatre Workshop
Mary Aalgaard, and her company Play off the Page along with the support of the Central Lakes Community Performing Arts Center are taking registrations for Summer 2017 Youth Theatre Workshops for students entering 1st – 9th grades.
Students will develop a script together about going on a camping and canoeing adventure to Camp Bonadventure. Millie and Willie Cottonpoly are guiding a group of students to Bone Island where they will learn survival skills, cooperation, and care for the natural environment. This camp within a camp will give students the opportunity to do some acting, art, and creative expression while working as a team.
Entering Grades 1-4
June 19-23, 2017 • 10 a.m. – Noon
Dryden Theatre/CLC Brainerd Campus
Non-refundable registration: $65/registrant
Deadline to register: June 16
Entering Grades 5-9
June 26-30, 2017 • 10 a.m. – Noon
Dryden Theatre/CLC Brainerd Campus
Non-refundable registration: $65/registrant
Deadline to register: June 23
To register, call: 218-855-8253
Questions? Contact Mary Aalgaard, Email:
Go. Create. Inspire!
Scriptfrenzy! Play off the Page play writing class for students currently in 4th – 9th grades. Students can work on their own plays or write one as a group. We will meet on Thursdays, 5:30-7:00, April 27 – May 25, with a staged reading of our plays on the final day. $55, Please register by calling the CLC box office, 218-855-8199. Please leave a message if no one answers. They will get back to you as soon as someone is in the office. Thanks!
Summer Youth Theater Workshops: Week long workshops where the students create a script together and perform it on the final day. We’ll meet from 10:00 – noon for one week.
June 19-23, Elementary class,
June 26-30, Middle School
More information and
Also, Patrick Spradlin is holding auditions for “The (Almost) True Story of Hansel and Gretel” at CLC on April 17 & 19. For more information, please contact Patrick at 218-855-8255. pspradlin@clcmn.
Please share this information with anyone who is interested in Youth Theater Opportunities in our area.
The Spring 2017 Youth Theatre Workshop is a play writing class for students in Middle School, grades 5-8, who like writing plays and being in plays. Students can write a play of their own, or work with other students. I’ll start with an opening scene, and we’ll take off from there. Class meets on Thursdays, 5:30-7:00, April 27 – May 25. We’ll have a presentation of our plays on the last day of class. Cost is $55 per student. Please register by calling Jean at the CLC Community Theatre box off, 218-855-8199. Leave a message if no one is in the office. Thanks!

Scenes from Summer 2016 Play Writing class
Mary Aalgaard and her company Play off the Page will be offering Youth Theatre Classes and Writing Workshops in the Brainerd lakes area in the Spring, Summer, and Fall. Classes are held at Central Lakes College Theaters. You can register by calling Jean at the CLC Community Theatre Box Office, 218-855-8199. You can also keep up to date on class offerings and highlights from classes by liking Play off the Page Facebook page.

Play off the Page Summer Theatre Workshop, Middle School class. Where’s Big Foot?
Fall 2016 Theatre Classes
Theatre Thursdays! We are offering Theatre workshops for kids in grades 1-4 and 5-8 on Thursdays, September 22 – November 10, 2016.
Elementary Group, grades 1-4, will meet from 4:00-5:00 at the Chalberg Theatre at Central Lakes College. We’ll be writing a script together with the theme of Fall, Harvest, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. Millie and Willie have a bumper crop in their straw bale garden. They need the neighborhood kids to help them with the harvest. While they’re picking potatoes, and gathering tomatoes, the kids tell jokes, sing songs, plan their Halloween costumes and Thanksgiving party. The students will write their own play under the guidance of playwright Mary Aalgaard and her assistants.
Middle School Group, grades 5-8, will meet from 5:30-7:00 at the Chalberg Theatre at Central Lakes College. The Middle School class will also write a play together using the themes of Fall, Harvest, and the holidays. We will take some time in the beginning sessions to develop characters and write a script, including scenes that individuals and small groups create.
We will meet on Thursdays, except for October 20 (MEA break), and will have a final performance on the last day of class for friends and family, free and open to the public. The cost of the class is $50 per student. Please stop by or call the CLC box office during workday hours (Please leave a message if it’s after hours. They will get back to you.) 218-855-8199. Please contact Mary if you have further questions. 218-232-6069,

Life is also like a game of tug-o-war! Summer Play off the Page Theatre Workshop
Summer 2016 Theatre Classes and Writing Workshops
June 13-17, 2016, Theatre Workshops
Students entering grades 1-4, will meet 9:00-11:00 am. Students will create characters and write an original script under the guidance of playwright Mary Aalgaard.
The theme for the Summer Theatre Class is A Summer Camp at the Lakes. Perhaps they will have a little mystery and mayhem. We will also have some art projects and decorating t-shirts. We will have a performance on the last day of class. $20 non-refundable fee
Students entering grades 5-9, will meet from noon-2:00. Students will create characters and write an original script about being in an adventure camp. We will also have some set design, painting, and designing t-shirts. We will have a performance on the last day of class. $20 non-refundable fee.
June 20-24, 2016, Writing Workshop, 10:00-noon
Students entering 5th-12th grade are welcome to come work on their writing projects. The emphasis will be on play writing, but other writing is also encouraged. We will do some writing together as well as reading and offering feedback to other writers.
Both writers and actors can attend this workshop. Actors can help read parts, set up scenes, and offer feedback. We will have a public reading on the last day of class. $20 non-refundable fee.
Highlights from Previous Workshops

Fairy Tales and Medieval Times: Queen of Hearts Group

Marissa’s Group: Someone’s looking for more bacon.

Jake’s Group: Is that a meatball volcano?!
Highlights from the Middle School Group
Fairy Tales and Medieval Times
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