Quote of the Day:  I feel grateful to be a woman. Ginny, from our Women’s Retreat last weekend.

We were gathered in a circle on Sunday morning for our exit session. We went around and reflected on meaningful moments of the retreat and how we were feeling.  When Ginny said that, I said, “Halleluiah!”  We are most at peace when we embrace who we are, feel whatever we need to feel, and show our love for one another.

I’m feeling grateful for my journey, for my four sons who are a delight and an inspiration.  I love watching and listening to them interact. I smile everytime I hear the twins snap off their reading lights and wish each other a “Good night.” I’m happy when my bigger boys hang out together and enjoy each other’s company. I’m feeling grateful to be a woman and a mom.

And, for my Friday Favorite Photo: I’m grateful that Leo, the Great White Hunter, came to live with us. He’s already left us several gifts from his recent hunting quests. Thanks, Leo, Keep up the good work!
Journaling Prompt:  What are you feeling grateful for today?