Quote of the Day: Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. Anaïs Nin
Today is another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. You can also visit the founder Alex J. Cavanaugh for more info and links.
Question of the Month: Are you a risk-taker when writing? Do you try something radically different in style/POV/etc. or add controversial topics to your work?
Hmm. Not really. I’m not very edgy in any respect, on the page, or off. I’m more in danger of writing a ho-hum saccharine story. In fact, that’s my insecurity. Also, I’m not sure there are any areas that haven’t been covered in print or film that cross old lines of propriety. Much bolder, and funnier, people have pushed those boundaries. I need to be willing to write the story that is inside me and not hold back because of emotions or fear of judgement.
We touched on this topic last weekend with my sisters. The question of the day was, “What would you do if you didn’t care what anyone else thought?” The answer is claiming your time. Doing your art your way. Taking personal risks, like going on a road trip, investing in equipment or time that enhances your art and career. I’m taking a leap, soon. I’ve been feeling depleted with all this isolation during the pandemic. The open road is calling, and I’m ready to answer.
Go. Create. Inspire!
Journaling Prompt: How are you doing during the pandemic? What is giving you hope?
“What would you do if you didn’t care what anyone else thought?” – This is a really great question that you and your sisters talked about. When I thought about it, I was kind of stumped as to what my answer is. Hmm . . . something to ponder. Thanks for the good food for thought 🙂
Thanks, Ellen. I think you’re doing it, in living on a boat, your adventures, and your writing.
Thank you for the quote of the day. I will be pondering it as I get myself writing. My life has been shrinking a lot lakely. Maybe I have been too cautious. Thank you.
Thanks, Larry. Here’s to bolder and broader writing and experiences!
Then that is your challenge, to start writing from your heart. If it is any comfort to you, I believe good writing always has a certain amount of vulnerability. A bit of yourself slips into the book and exposes you. The risk is whether or not you can live with it and you will never know that until you step out on the water and do it.
Wishing you all the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
Yes, I’m starting to see that, Pat.
That’s an intriguing question. Because I’m writing with a pen name, I’m actually doing a lot of that. Most people who know me would be a little surprised that I’m being brave enough to publish! 🙂 Although the happy ending business wouldn’t surprise anyone!
Ooo. That’s interesting Jemi. Hiding behind a nom de plume.
Yes, we need to write the story lurking inside our mind and not let anything come in the way.
Maybe the act of writing is already bold?
That open road picture only added to my itchiness to get out and go! I don’t even care where I wind up.
Same! I’m so ready.
Don’t worry, I’m not a boundary pusher either.
Interesting question. Lot I would do if I didn’t care what others thought – and wasn’t in danger of being flayed alive.
Right. Also, if we didn’t care about money, or the cost of things.
Hi Mary! Just like “dance like no one’s watching” right? Same applies for writing. But, as you mentioned, we have to be careful too. Write from the heart is the best advice you can give any writer IMO.
Yes, PK!
Whatever to be yourself? We are so judged now. I know my answer and it would NOT be popular online.
I hope you hit the roads soon.
Thanks, Diane!
Love the quote!
Oh, thank you. I love this: “What would you do if you didn’t care what anyone else thought?” I’m pretty much going to be thinking hard about that gong forward. I worry so much sometimes about what others will think, and it is very confining. Even though I’m not much of a risk taker, I think this quote doesn’t require risk, as much as it allows freedom.
Thank you for that thoughtful response. I agree.
I hope you let the open road pull you out when it’s safe to travel. It’s so interesting to think about what we’d do differently if we didn’t care about what others thought. I’ll have to think about that one.
Thank you, Natalie. I’m so ready to go!
I am going to ponder the question you and your sisters contemplated. It’s such a good one…and I have no immediate response, which I am sure means something profound.
Thanks. It’s good to keep that in mind as we venture out in the world and in our artistic lives.
As a life coach, I’ve had to ask that question a lot and sure brings out all the things that seem to restrain us! I heard an interview with a Death Doula recently sharing what regrets she hears as people dying. Very interesting and eye-opening for me! May that road trip inspire your mind and bring joy to heart!
Yes. I can imagine the responses. A Death Doula. What an interesting occupation.
A wonderful, thought-provoking question. I, too, am ready for the open road. I’m a homebody, yet this isolation has taken its toll on all of us, I’m sure. I add locations to my Pinterest boards about where I want to go. Soon, very soon.
I think as I get older, I care less what anyone thinks, or I like to think so, but maybe the pandemic has accelerated that. You’ve got to be open to creativity and adventure.
Yes, so true.