I have a guest on my blog today, the publicist extraordinaire Krista Rolfzen Soukup. She works with several clients on book promotion and publicity and offers consultations with authors on ways to get the word out about their books and who they are as authors. She’s also a dear friend, a great mom, and a wonderful cook. Thanks for taking the time to write this post, Krista!


As a single mother of four children, time is a commodity that gets depleted faster than a batch of hot cookies sitting on my counter.  I have always loved baking and cooking, but most of all I LOVE to eat fresh homemade food.  Even in the midst of a busy schedule of family and work, I take the time to cook meals and have a sit down family dinner. As more and more studies surface on the health risks of corporate cooked food, I find it increasingly important to continue home cooked meals for my family.

I recently watched this video of Michael Pollan (Michael Pollan Video ), author, activist, journalist and professor of journalism at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. He emphasizes how cooking at home is one of the simplest and most important steps people can make to improve their family’s health, build communities, help fix our broken food system and perhaps most importantly, break our growing dependence on corporations.  I love how he explains how our view of cooking at home has changed.  Why do we see it as an activity that gets in our way of life, instead of an important part of our daily lives?

I can’t say planning, preparing and serving meals to my family is easy or effortless, but like my own mom says, “What more important thing would you rather spend your time doing?”  I recently remembered calling Mary and saying “What was I thinking!?”, after I had just pulled together a roast beef, mashed potatoes and home-made gravy meal in the midst of scheduled day of swimming lessons, work deadlines, martial arts and book club.  Yes, it was a tasty achievement, but not one I’d likely attempt in the near future. Planning is the key. 

Take the time to Read a book, cook at home and take a walk. All worthwhile, and really, what more important thing would you rather spend your time doing?

It’s important to know where your food came from and who is cooking it. Why not get the kids involved in the process! A few fun photos from the Soukup family.

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Soukup Family Picture

Thanks, Krista. I love a good old-fashioned roast beef meal with all the fixin’s! What time’s dinner?