Quote of the Day: I am good enough. recurring line in Too Solid Flesh by Megan Lohne and Shoshanah Tarkow, produced by Like Fresh Skin and Artery. This is a play written for the virtual theater that touches on many concerns of our current climate: Covid, isolation, quarantine, teen life, Virtual everything: dating, Prom, learning, meet-ups, flirting, sex, sexual harassment and abuse, suicide. They cover so much in less than two hours of screen time. 

The play description from Like Fresh Skin: Set in an unconventional distance learning institution, an anxiety ridden pupil, O, tries to find a connection.  A cross pollination of Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet, & The Tempest, Too Solid Flesh (written by Megan Lohne and directed by Shoshanah Tarkow) explores youth in the midst of pandemic, connection across screens, and the dangerous undiscovered country of mental health in a world where it is lethal to touch.

A limited number of people can watch this performance tonight (9/3) streaming from the East Coast, 7:00 pm EDT (6:00 pm CDT), click here for details and to reserve a spot. It is pay what you can. They are also hosting a post play discussion, which will be good. Also, I’d encourage parents to watch this show with their teens or young adults. It raises questions and will surely provoke discussion. 

While I mourn the absence of live theater experiences, I applaud artists who are finding new ways to share their productions. I enjoyed watching MN Fringe, Virtually, as well as several shows from favorite theaters in Minnesota. One gift of Covid is being connected worldwide. I’m excited to be experiencing the Theater Arts from all over. Too Solid Flesh is a great example. The play is captures much of the feelings all of us have during this strange and anxiety ridden times, and it specifically touches on concerns of teens and young adults.

Go. Create. Inspire!

Journaling Prompt: What are some gifts of Covid that you’ve experienced?