Quote of the Day: UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not. The words of the Lorax, by Dr. Seuss. Stage adaptation by David Grieg, Music and Lyrics by Charlie Fink, directed by Max Webster. U.S. premiere on stage at the Children’s Theatre Company in Minneapolis, MN through June 10, 2018.

Meghan Kreidler and Rick Miller and H Adam Harris as The Lorax and Steven Epp as The Once-ler in Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax Photo by Dan Norman
Great timing on the production of The Lorax at the Children’s Theatre Company in Minneapolis, MN as we celebrate Earthday and Arbor Day this month. Dr. Seuss, Ted Geisel, wrote this beloved tale of trees, greed, and our need to take care of our precious natural resources back in the early 1970’s. It gives the message for us to be good stewards of the Earth, to protect all living things, and to replace and replenish wherever we have taken and used.

Production photo of Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax by Dan Norman
As a production, The Lorax is highly entertaining, thought-provoking, magically staged, and brilliantly cast. Steven Epp as the Once-ler is spectacular. Three people handle the Lorax puppet: Rick Miller, Meghan Kreidler, and H. Adam Harris who also is the voice of the Lorax. His voice fits the creature so beautifully, and of course, his vocals are wonderful during solos and ensembles. The entire cast is fantastical. The set and costumes are classic Seuss, colorful, whimsical, funny, and unique. The music and lyrics bring out the best in the story and characters. The entire creative team deserves the standing ovation that the audience gave on opening night.

Ensemble in Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax photo by Dan Norman
The Lorax was originally developed at the Old Vic theater in London, England. The Children’s Theatre Company was fortunate to get the director of that production, Max Webster, to direct the production here in Minneapolis. The puppetry, designed by Nick Barnes and Finn Caldwell, is absolutely delightful. The Swomee-Swans fly high at the end of long poles that the puppeteers hold, making them swoop and soar out towards the audience. Then, the dancers come in wearing similar colors in their costumes, complete with feathers, and dance gorgeous numbers, and also tragic ones, as they tell the story of pollution and destruction. This video clip with comments by the director shows much of the beauty and energy of the show.
The Lorax is playing at the Children’s Theatre Company in Minneapolis, MN through June 10, 2018.
Go. Create. Inspire!
Journaling Prompt: What are some things you do to take care of the Earth?
What a marvelous experience you’ve shared, Mary. I love everything Seussical, and the Lorax has a special spot in my heart thanks to its message. How do I care for the Earth? No chemicals or pesticides in lawn or garden, non-toxic cleaning supplies, recycling, avoiding excess packaging, refusing to use Styrofoam, reducing our food waste. So many ways regular folks can do their part. Thanks for posing the question.
Dear Deborah, you are a good steward of the Earth, a shining example for all of us. Carry on, my green warrior friend!