Question of the Month: What are some new year’s resolutions you’ve had in the past?
On the first Monday of each month, I participate in a blog hop, hosted by Michael D’Agostino at A Life Examined, called The Question of the Month. (Click on his link for more participants, or to sign up yourself.) We started doing this in July, 2015. He’s come up with some good questions over the past half year, or so. This one works as a way to introduce my Word for the Year. For the past five years, or so, my blogger friend Roxane, Peace Garden Writer, and I have chosen a Word for the Year. For me, it’s the word that keeps popping into my head as I look forward to the coming year. It’s not really a resolution, more of a word that you live into. I chose Open a couple years ago, and it has become a word for life. I even used it as my theme for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge in 2013. Being Open to possibilities, new relationships, ways of thinking and living, is a freeing way to grow and EVOLVE, and that is my word for 2016.
At first, I wasn’t in love with the word. But, as I see many changes coming quickly in 2016, and beyond, it’s the best word to describe the attitude I need. The Biker Chef says that his word is a phrase, Embrace Change, which also can describe Evolve. Many things in our lives are constantly evolving, our own growth both physically and mentally, our skills and opportunities and writers and artists, our children and their lives – hopes and dreams, our relationships, our environments, our careers. They say that young people today will change their jobs/careers every 3-5 years. I can see that happening already. My theatre classes are growing and evolving. My piano studio is, as well. You never know what will plant the seed of an idea. Maybe it’s a chance to sing with an amazing choir, like my senior son Zach did, and it inspired him to evolve as a musician. Maybe it’s seeing a particular performance or event that inspires you to pursue an instrument, learn a new skill, or develop a talent or interest. Maybe it’s a chance meeting that turns into a lasting relationship.
Change can be hard. We often resist it. We like to stay in the familiar, even when it’s not that great. We cling to the good memories of people and places. Nothing ever stays the same, though. Special moments can’t last forever. And, even though we loved having our kids all tucked into one nest, we know that have to grow into the people they were born to be. And, so, dear friends, Embrace change, Evolve, and lean into the new year with hope and excitement.
Go. Create. Inspire!
Journaling Prompt: Do you have a word for the year? Any resolutions, hopes, dreams, and schemes for 2016?
That’s a good word for the year.
I’d like to evolve into a superhero. Or a rock star. Either works!
Good luck, Alex. You already are a super ninja blogger!
Evolve, great pick!! This year I am going with FUN. I want to focus on having fun with my hubby, my kids, and my new business. 🙂
Excellent word, and attitude, JeMA. I hope to have fun with you, near or far!
Evolve is a brave word to pick. Sometimes I feel like my word is sludge. Things move slowly, days drift by without accomplishment. I might need to pick two words this year along the lines of “Wake up!”
I hope you have wide awake moments in 2016, Tamara!
I’ve had a mantra, but never a word for the year. I think that’s brilliant.
Thanks, Janie. I hope you find a good word to live into in 2016!
Sounds pretty good to me. Evolving is all about change and when it is change for the better we should be pleased. I try to evolve towards continual betterment, but as you say change can be difficult. Even challenging.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
That’s right, Arlee. We are constantly evolving. Sometimes, we’re open to it, sometimes we’re not.
This is a cool idea! I have no idea what my word would be… I’d have to think on it. Maybe I’ll include it on my post to answer this question!
Great idea, Madilyn. I’ll come check it out.
I posted about my word for this year a couple of days ago. I like your words, open and evolve.
Thanks, Susan. I’ll check out your words!
Great word indeed. We have to try and get outside of our comfort zone as much as we can, only way we learn anything new.
That’s right, Pat. Thanks for stopping by.
Having a word for the year is a great idea. I think this year my word will be PROGRESS. Taking out a home loan, getting further in my aspirations for footy umpiring and getting my children’s book published.
Excellent, Michael. I wish you success in all those endeavors!