Quote of the Day: Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope! from Romans 15:13, The Message
Ah, here I am, up early on this morning of Christmas Eve. Our decorated tree is like a nightlight. It’s warm glow reflects off the wrapped gifts that lie below it. The coffee is on. The cat is out. All the boys are sleeping. The kitchen is a mess as the Chef has been baking up a storm, and gifting his friends with delicious breads and jams, his love language. My boys will all be home tonight. We’re providing music at the 9:00 pm service. My heart is full and hopeful. I have all that I need.
All the candles are now lit on the Advent wreath. There are four candles, and each Sunday one more is lit. One candle for Peace, one for Joy, one for Love, and one for Hope. Maybe you’re not feeling these things. Maybe the message of Christmas is lost this year. Maybe you’ve fallen on hard times, or you’re missing someone, or you’ve just gotten some bad news. Know that you’re not alone. Or, maybe your cup is brimming over with hope, love, joy, and peace. Celebrate.
We have an organization in the Brainerd lakes area called Bridges of Hope. It’s the place to call when you find yourself struggling. Maybe it’s a major life change, a terrifying diagnosis, a loss of income, or overwhelming bills. If you’re someone who needs that bridge of Hope right now, contact them. If you’re someone who is in a good place right now and willing to offer hope to others, click on their link. They are raising money to help people in the coming year.
Thank you, and have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and a joyful celebration of whatever holiday or special event you are experiencing right now.
Peace, Joy, Love, and Hope to you.
Go. Create. Inspire!
Journaling Prompt: What are you feeling today? Who is missing? Where is your heart? What are you hopeful for?
Merry Christmas Mary! Do you have your word for 2016 on the horizon yet? Peace to you!
Hi Roxane, I’ve been thinking about my word, but haven’t found one, yet. How about you? Have a Merry Christmas and many grand adventures in the New Year!
What a wonderful description. I bet that was only the beginning to a great holiday. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette