Quote of the Day: How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. Anne Frank

InsecureWritersSupportGroup.jpgAnd, here we are at the first Wednesday of the month, once again, and it is Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) day. Visit the website for more information, learn about a writing contest, join, or find more blogs to read and follow. Also, visit Alex J. Cavanaugh, the founder of IWSG.

Where did the time go? September is the new year for me, the start of another school year, and my birthday. What will this new year bring? What adventures await my boys? What new experiences are in store for me, and will I meet my goals as a writer and teacher? Having goals is usually helpful when we enter a new year. My plan is to do the edits on the play I’m writing, Grace Notes: Piano Bench Confessions, and have another reading of it this fall. I also plan to start on a new project. In addition, I’m growing my piano studio and theatre classes for kids. Both are great creative outlets for me as well as the students. And, as Anne Frank says in the above quote, we all have the opportunity, right now, to make the world a better place.

Go. Create. Inspire!

Journaling Prompt:  What are your goals, creative or otherwise, for this year, and beyond?