Question of the Month: If your house caught on fire, what’s the one thing you’d grab before running out? I’m participating in the bloghop, Question of the Month, hosted by Michael G D’Agostino, at A Life Examined blog.

I actually think about this often. Of course, we’re assuming that the kids are safe, and I only have to worry about myself. I worry that this fire could happen in the dead of night in the middle of winter when it’s -40 wind chill, so the first thing I’d do if I was sleeping, would be to put on some pants! Socks would be nice, too, but that wouldn’t be as quick. If I had time, and the wherewithal, I’d grab this external hard drive that I recently loaded up with all my documents and photos. Then, I’d exit out the patio door, leaving it open so the cat could escape.


I will be posting a couple times today as I have two reviews to write, and I’ll be hopping around finding out what other participants would grab in case of fire. The number one rule in our house when I leave the kids alone is, “Don’t burn down the house!” Maybe I should store this hard drive in my car?

Go. Create. Inspire!

Journaling Prompt: What would you try to save from your burning home?