Quote of the Day: an excerpt from To Walter de la Mare by T.S. Eliot
The Lawn
Is pressed by unseen feet, and ghosts return
Gently at twilight, gently go at dawn,
The sad intangible who grieve and yearn…
I found the full poem at the Wondering Minstrels blog. Go read it, it’s wonderful.
I was challenged by my friend and publicist Krista Rolfzen Soukup, Blue Cottage Agency, to post a B&W picture every day for five days. The challenge was on Facebook, so I started there. But, this photo of a painted lady at a local pub, is crying out for more of a story. Legend has it that The Last Turn Saloon in Brainerd, MN is haunted. Some people claim to have heard, seen, or felt a presence beyond the usual patronage. It could be. Maybe it’s the spirits they’re consuming? Although, sometimes, it’s an employee, sweeping up after closing time who notices something other than the crunch of the peanut shells and hum of the cooler. Or, maybe apparitions aren’t really a smoky presence, rather a person that seems flesh and blood who appears, observes, then vanishes, like this lady.
We were there for an evening of reading and sharing poetry with the Heartland Poets. We had music, readings, food, friendly chatter, and this woman suddenly appeared, holding a drink and watching intently. One poet asked her if she knew one of the readers. She said, “No.” She explained that she was in town for just a short time and that her mother was sick. That’s all I know of her story. She certainly stood out in the crowd, and yet slipped in and out unnoticed. Hmm. I wonder who she was and what she was doing there?
I’ll leave it up to your imagination.
Go. Create. Inspire!
Journaling Prompt: Do you think you’ve ever seen a ghost, or talked to one?
Last Turn Saloon and Eatery
This sounds so fun!