Quote of the Day:  
They fell, but o’er their glorious grave
Floats free the banner of the cause they died to
Francis Marion Crawford


My boys, along with others in Boy Scout Troop 45, helped place large, casket flags along the fence of the Evergreen Cemetery in Brainerd, MN.



DSC_0195Notice, it takes one (taller) boy to carry the flag on the pole, and another to make sure it doesn’t drag on the ground, which is the proper and respectful flag handling that is part of the Scout education. All of the flags the boys put up early in the morning on Memorial Day have draped the casket of a soldier. Each holder has an engraved card and the corresponding flag has the name on the edge. The boys are careful to place the flags on the stands with the eagle facing out, and the flag hanging over the fence. This is our favorite, and most important, service project. I believe the boys felt honored to be asked to place these flags in their proper place before the Memorial Day DSC_0205parade and service. Thank you to all men and women who have served our country. God bless the ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice, and peace to their families.


The boys and I often attend the Memorial Day service, especially since they are asked as both Cub and Boys Scouts to participate. This is a great way to help kids learn about the importance of days like this, and the people who serve our country.



Boy Scout Troop 45

Boy Scout Troop 45


Photo from the Brainerd Dispatch, a few years ago.

Photo from the Brainerd Dispatch, a few years ago.

Mama and her boys. They've grown!

Mama and her boys. They’ve grown!

I am the proud mother of four sons. All of them have been in scouts. These two are still in scouts and talk about making their Eagle Scout. It takes work and dedication. The editor of Her Voice magazine (our local women’s magazine) asked me to write an article about Raising Boys. You can find it on page 14 of the latest Her Voice.

Go. Create. Inspire!

Journaling Prompt:  Write about someone who has served your country.