Quote of the Day:  I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbor. Do you know your next door neighbor? Mother Teresa

Neighbor boys hanging out at our house with my boys.
Neighbors is the word for the day for the Advent Photo A Day Project. I have a great video of my neighbor girls from last week’s piano lesson. I’m the neighborhood piano teacher, which is fun. The girls came over on Friday afternoon to have their lessons and practice their duet. They turned it into a fun video: The Annie and Ellie Show: Our drama cat Leo even made an appearance. I could not figure out how to upload it onto my blog. It could be that it is too big. If you’re my facebook friend, you can find it there.
When I bought this house, after my divorce, I was looking for a good location as a piano teacher, close to the middle school, considering my kids’ ages, and to be near a friend in a good neighborhood. I got exactly what I was looking for! A good friend lives two doors down. She’s the kind of neighbor you can call up to ask to borrow a cup of sugar, a pan, folding chairs, or who shows up to help set up for a graduation party. The boys have great friends here, too. My house tends to be the hang-out. At my twins’ first birthday celebration at this house, one of their friends said, “The happiest day of my life was when Charlie and Eric moved in next door.”
Sometimes we complain about our neighbors, and most of the time it’s petty complaints: dogs bark too much or poop in your yard, they don’t shovel the snow soon enough on their walkway, or they paint their house an unusual color, or leave junk lying around. But, most of the time, neighbors come through for each other in times of crisis. They bring food over when there’s been a death. They help clear the driveways after a big snowstorm. They check on each other when something seems amiss.
May you feel the warmth and comfort of good neighbors this season.
We have been waiting for Good News and got it this today. The Biker Chef’s daughter had her baby, a boy – healthy, happy and ready to tackle the world. I wonder when the Chef will get to take him on his first motorcycle ride? Can’t wait to meet the little guy. Blessings to the family. What a great Christmas present!
Go. Create. Inspire!
Journaling Prompt:  Write about a good neighbor/hood.