Quote of the Day:  The angel said to them, “Behold, I bring you Good News of a great joy which will come to all the people.” Luke 2:8

Photo by Mary Aalgaard at the Aalgaard farm
Good News are the words for the Advent Photo A Day Project. How have you recently received good news? Was it a phone call, text message, facebook update, email, someone telling you in person, overhearing a conversation, or good old-fashioned letter in the mailbox? This time of year, I like opening the mailbox for what I call happy mail, good news from friends and family, updates from the past year. Sometimes, the news isn’t all that good. Sometimes, they’ve had some difficulties, illnesses, or someone has passed away. This fall has been a sad one in our community. The holidays can be difficult for those who are grieving or feeling a separation or other sadness. Keep those folks in your prayers.

We’re still waiting for the good news that the Chef’s grandson will be born, a new life, another person to love and to hold. Babies give us hope and joy.

Blessings to all of you as you go about preparing for the holidays and connecting with loved ones. Share your Good News. Be there for each other.

Go. Create. Inspire!

Journaling Prompt:  What’s your good news? What good news are you waiting and hoping for?