Quote of the Day: from Quote of the Day Archives
If you can give your son or daughter only one gift, let it be enthusiasm.— Bruce Barton
Don’t limit a child to your own learning, for he or she was born in another time.— Rabbinical Saying
It’s easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.— Frederick Douglass
Good parents give their children roots and wings. Roots to know where home is, wings to fly away and exercise what’s been taught them. — Jonas Salk
High School grads were honored this past Sunday at Lord of Life church. They shared memories, gave them blankets, and blessed them as they go on the next road of life’s journey.
I didn’t cry. I am amazed at my grown son and how willing he is to spread his wings and venture out into the world. He knows he needs to carve his own path and is doing so with enthusiasm. That’s nothing to cry about. I feel blessed.
Thank you, God, for my strong and daring son. May he always have the courage to…
Go. Create. Inspire!
Journaling Prompt: Are you feeling brave enough to journey down a new road? I hope so.
What a handsome son and what a proud moment for his mama! Congrats to you both! YES! I am feeling brave enough to journey down a new road–just a few pot holes I need to fill on the old one first!
What a punkin! 🙂 Love Bobby. He’s always been such a gracious host when we’ve stayed there. Thanks for letting us peek at his life as he gets ready to enter the real world. I know he’s going to do well! You deserve to be proud and happy!
Love these pictures! Wow, I think I’ll be overcome when this happens (and I need to prepare because I’ve got a rising sophomore!) Congratulations to your son and pat yourself on the back…you’ve done a fantastic job raising him!
Wonderful quotations and the pictures were just awesome.
Congratulations! What an amazing journey it is from childhood to graduation. I am grateful that I am able to journey down the road of creating art for a living, and if I am not feeling brave every minute, I can still keep moving.
Congratulations, Mom! He’ll be fine. And whatever does go wrong, pray he learns.
My daughter graduated from college two weeks ago. Such a joyous…and difficult time! 🙂
Those quotes are awesome!!!!
… and such an irresistible pumpkin face…
I know it’s cliched, but time DOES fly!
Congratulations Mum!