Favorite Photos Friday

Quote of the Day:  Let’s do a “Ferris Bueller” pose. Said by my boys as they stood at the window on the 9th floor of The Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis. We had a few minutes to look around, and found this view to be spectacular.

Shot with flash

Tried again and turned off the flash.
Even though Charlie looks a little distorted, I like this shot better.
More reflection and color.

I took these two while standing out on the deck of the 4th floor with the boys. I think we’re looking at the “Endless Bridge.”
We didn’t quite understand the “endless” part, but it was dark and a little cold, so they didn’t explore very far.

This shot is pretty, in a mystical kind of way.
I think the blues are beautiful.
Go. Create. Inspire!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving (in the USA), and a great weekend with friends or family, wherever you are!
Journaling Prompt:  What’s your favorite part of a big feast like Thanksgiving?