Quote of the Day: Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – Mark Twain
Happy Birthday to the great American writer, Mark Twain!
Thank you, Google, for your Google doodle and link to Twain quotes. The above quote is my favorite from their top ten list.
When self-doubts start to creep in,
When the mountain of “real life” work clouds your dreams,
When you aren’t sure why you’re even here,
Remember, you might be the one to shed light on the world today.
Your words, your art, your voice might be the one that people cling to.
The path is calling you to…
Go. Create. Inspire!
Journaling Prompt: What does your ideal day look like?
Go to The Writer’s Almanac today to hear more about Mark Twain and other authors who share his birthday.
Great choice of quote, Mary. I actually used a different one of Twain’s for my yearbook quote back in the day: “I never let schooling interfere with my education.”
And, using that picture as my inspiration, I’ll say my ideal day would have nary a computer, phone, or any other electronic device in it. If the weather’s agreeable, outdoors is the place to be.
Hm, I can validate that quote. I did sail away from the Safe Harbor with my latest novel, and can testify that it’s a very exciting place to be with lots of discoveries along the way …
My perfect day is being in my studio making art.
That was inspiring!
Ideal day involves no work, that’s for sure.
I recognize this trail, Mary. It was one of my favorite parts of that visit. The quiet, reflective time before the busy portion of our time there. Did I get it right? 🙂
Yes more disappointed by what you didn’t do for sure. I do love being in the studio and if I can find a good arboreteum to walk through or a private garden that is divine.
Thanks for this encouragement, Mary. You always seem to know right what to say. 🙂
My Blog
Great quote, Mary. Twain was prescient about so much. Another fav is the one a commenter left about schooling not interfering with one’s education. Saw on the news last night, that Silicon Valley execs send kids to a private school where computers are rarely used. Kids do multiplication by hand ! *gasps! And use a shovel to dig dirt for gardens. *feels faint*
LOVE this quote. Thanks for posting it 😀