Letter of the Day: Q
Q is for quotes and quests and questions. Never stop questioning on your quest for greatness! That quote is from me! I love a good quest story – the journey, the hero (the best are the unsuspecting heroes), the villian, nature’s barriers, the hero’s self-doubt and need for self-examination, the nay-sayers – including the reluctant hero, and often something or someone that needs to be rescued. Of course, The Wizzard of Oz is the most classic of all quest tales. I also liked watching the animated feature Quest for Camelot with my boys. What are your favorites?
And, finally QUOTES! Enjoy and be inspired!
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. ~ Goethe
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead. – Louisa May Alcott
Use what talent YOU possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except for those that sang best. – Henry Van Dyke
Don’t say you don’t have enough time. YOU have EXACTLY the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
I am only one – but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do something I can do. – Helen Keller
Just when the caterpillar thought his life was over, he became a butterfly. – Anonymous
When we are allowed to dream far-fetched and ridiculous, we become super creative. That’s where the Harry Potters are born. – Hope Clark from fundsforwriters.com
But the oldest practice is still the best. Take your soul for a stroll. Long walks, short walks, morning walks, evening walks – whatever form or length it takes. Walking is the best way to get out of your head. Recall the invocation of the philosopher Soren Kirkegaard, who said, “Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness: I have walked myself into some of my best thoughts.” – Phil Cousineau
There are moments when all anxiety and stated toil are becalmed in the infinite leisure and repose of nature. – Henry David Thoreau
Therefore, encourage one another, and build each other up. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
There’s a candle in your heart ready to be kindled. There’s a void in your soul ready to be filled. You feel it – don’t you! – Rumi
That last one is my very favorite. It’s the one that woke me up.
Go. Create. Inspire!
Journaling Prompt: What are your favorite quest stories, shows or movies? Do you have a quote that really speaks to you? How are you doing with your craft right now?
The photo – it looks like a wonderful place for walking.
Mary, this is such a nice post. I love the quotes…especially the one about the caterpillar :-))
I also really enjoy a good walk…it seems to clear the mind and allow for better sleep.
Lovely quotes!! So encouraging and inspiring.
Love the quotes. The last one is my favorite too. I love a good quest and that picture is making me want to go out and find one. I just wish it wasn’t raining.
I like the thought of taking my soul for a stroll and Alcott’s reminds me of my post today.
~ Wendy
A great post Mary, I love most of the musical films such as Carousel, Oklahoma,
My favourite qoute is: “Todays Gratitude Buys You Tomorrow’s Happiness” it’s one I read in a self help book.
FANTASTIC post, Mary. I love to hike, (second only to horseback riding). That pic makes me want to hop on one of our horses and have a good lope.
My fav quote: “I hate quotations.” Emerson. 🙂
Love the quotes–and that walking one is totally me. I’m a serious walker and I think it may be why I am almost never sick (because I certainly don’t do anything else I’m supposed to)
As for quest books–I love the Percy Jackson books–those are all fairly classic quests.
Although I don’t read MG and YA fiction often, those are the quest stories that come to mind: Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, that sort of thing. Oh yeah, and Monty Python.
My brother didn’t mean this quote to be inspirational, but it kind of is for fiction writers: “When life hands you lemons, make grapes.”
And lastly, these days my blogging craft is going along quite smoothly, but my novel-writing craft seems to be lost at sea. I do hope it finds its way back to land soon.
Hi Mary-thanks for stopping by my blog and the follow. I see you’re from the Brainerd area. My wife is from Minnesota, and I lived in Minneapolis for 8 years. I’ve spent a little time in your neck of the woods-beautiful area.
I think my favorite quest story is the Percy Jackson series. I haven’t read all the books, but I enjoy the Harry Potter quest as well.
OH, I LOVE a good Quest and a good Quote as well! Many of them in this post- thanks, great post! It’s really got me thinking…
“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. YOU have EXACTLY the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.”
I bet none of them were teachers!!
Great post, Mary–and thanks for the inspirational quotes! 🙂
Quest movie – Monty Python and the Holy Grail! Hey, you asked…
Thank you Mary for the comment, I used to spend much time in that library as a girl reading up on all the classical compossers.
Hi Mary..Does Shrek count..we laughed and laughed and had a good time watching that movie.
I enjoyed your quotes.
I favor Tagore “The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.” 🙂
I love these quotes, I’m going to print them up and put them by my computer 🙂
Wagging Tales – Blog for Writers
The blog is very good!
Mary–this is one of my most favorite posts of yours…love the quotes!
What an inspiring post. Thank you.