Letter of the Day:  D

My older sister, Nancy, challenged me to use a name for each letter of the alphabet during this A-Z blog challenge.  I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do it.  Today, I’ll mention two friends, Don and Dawn.  They are both songwriters in my area and are helping me by writing original music for Coffee Shop Confessions.
D is for duet.  When two performers sing or play together it is called a duet.  However, when I accompany a singer, she is called a soloist.  Often, the accompanist is overlooked, and occassionally not even mentioned.  Yes, I’ve felt slighted by this.  On the other hand, a good accompanist is support for the soloist and allows her to shine.

Here, Joy and I are playing the duet part for Heart and Soul.  You all know it.  The bumpa, bumpa, song that sticks in your head forever.  Joy also got up and sang the words to the song as a solo, at which point I faded into the rhythm, bumpa, bumpa…

These photos are from a show we did together.  We opened by singing a duet of Sisters.  We were fighting over my scarf while singing the final stanza, “Lord, help the mister who comes between me and my sister, and Lord help the sister who comes between me and my man!”
Duets are a fun part of any production.  Some of my favorite duets are Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better, Hey Baby it’s Cold Outside, Sunrise, Sunset, You’re the One that I Want, and The Music of the Night.
One more for my mom since it’s her birthday today.  She likes Do You Love Me? from Fiddler on the Roof.  Happy Birthday, Mom, I love you. (My mom probably won’t see this considering she doesn’t even own a computer.  Ah, they still live the simple life, down on the farm.)
Journaling Prompt:  What are your favorite duets? With whom would you like to sing a duet? (hoping Missed Periods will stop by and see my proper use of whom and sentence structure, here.)