Quote of the Day:  On Saturday, March 10, 1888 a great blizzard prevented his (Mark Twain’s) wife from joining him on a trip to New York.

Clemens wrote:

“And so, after all my labor and persuasion to get you to at last promise to take a week’s holiday and go off with me on a lark, this is what Providence has gone and done about it. It does seem to me the oddest thing–the way Providence manages. A mere simple request to you to stay at home would have been entirely sufficient; but no, that is not big enough, picturesque enough–a blizzard’s the idea; pour down all the snow in stock, turn loose all the winds, bring a whole continent to a stand-still: that is Providence’s idea of the correct way to trump a person’s trick. If I had known it was going to make all this trouble and cost all these millions, I never would have said anything about your going. Now in the light of this revelation of the methods of Providence, consider Noah’s flood–I wish I knew the real reason for playing that cataclysm on the public: likely enough, somebody who liked dry weather wanted to take a walk. That is probably the whole thing–and nothing more to it.”

– Letter to Olivia Clemens, March 10, 1888

Mark Twain does have a way with words.  I also like the butter commercial “You can’t mess with Mother Nature.”  When she wants her way, she gets it – no arguing.

So, like Olivia Clemens, we stayed home over the New Year.  The blizzard of 2010 rolled into the Red River Valley of the North and my family’s farm and kept us away.  I’m in central Minnesota.  We had nasty freezing rain mixed with snow which makes the roads horribly dangerous.  The Valley got the blizzard, and our Christmas party/New Year’s Eve celebration was cancelled. 
After several hours of pouting and phone calls and fussing about that which I cannot control, I went out for groceries, talked to my good friend, took a nap, then rallied enough to ring in the New Year with my boys.  We had ribs, chips & dip, rootbeer floats, movies, games and fun. 

I got up early to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee and journal:
2011, bring on your surprises, crack open your changes, and let me run with my arms open wide and leap into new possibilities.

The new year is like the start of a new day.  You’ve rested.  You’re refreshed and you feel strong and full of hope.  And, look at all the new, white snow! – a fresh, clean canvas just waiting for us to create.

I’m sending out light and love to my dear friend, JeMA as she and her family roll out in their RV to explore the country.  Their New Year is already filled with mystery and surprises.  While I know we are always connected in spirit, I will miss her presence here in my little spot of the world.  She is the kind of friend that we all long to have.

May your New Year be filled with surprises and blessings beyond belief!

Go. Create. Inspire!

Journaling Prompt:  What is something new that you’re looking forward to in the New Year?