Quote of the Day: Naming My Daughter by Patricia Fargnoli
In the Uruba tribe of Africa, children are
named not only at birth but throughout their
lives by their characteristics and the events
that befall them.
The one who took hold in the cold night
The one who kicked loudly
The one who slid down quickly in the ice storm
She who came while the doctor was eating dessert
New one held up by heels in the glare
The river between two brothers
Second pot on the stove
Princess of a hundred dolls
Hair like water falling beneath moonlight
Strides into the day
She who runs away with motorcycle club president
Daughter kicked with a boot
Daughter blizzard in the sky
Daughter night-pocket
She who sells sports club memberships
One who loves over and over
She who wants child but lost one.
She who wants marriage but has none
She who never gives up
Diana (Goddess of the Chase)
Doris (for the carrot-top grandmother
she never knew)
Fargnoli (for the father
who drank and left and died)
Peter Pan, Iron Pumper
Tumbleweed who goes months without calling
Daughter who is a pillar of light
Daughter mirror, Daughter stands alone
Daughter boomerang who always comes back
Daughter who flies forward into the day
where I will be nameless.
“Naming My Daughter” by Patricia Fargnoli, from Necessary Light. © Utah State University Press, 1999. Found on the Writer’s Almanac.
Yesterday, Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Day remembered in the USA, my son Zach became a teenager. Thirteen years ago, I was living in Grand Rapids, MN with his older brother Bobby and their dad. We’d gone Christmas shopping that day – the only year that I started and finished that early. We ended the day by going to the movie Flubber. Zach started letting me know that he was ready to arrive a little earlier than scheduled – an early Christmas gift, if you will.
With inspiration from Patricia Fargnoli – Naming my Second-born Son
The One who was born on a infamous day
The One who came early in a quiet hospital
The One who needed sunlight for jaundice
The One who looked like Baby Jesus on Christmas Eve
The One who slept best
The One who liked pancakes
The One who told stories and memorized books
The One who brought home Matilda
The One who makes friends easy
The One who sings
The One who plays trumpet
The One who broke his cheek bone
The One who doesn’t have an appendix
The One who got the swine flu
The One who cared for me when I got it, too
The One who is a math master
The One who rocks at the breast stroke
The One who reads and reads and reads
The One who hugs
The One who doesn’t think he’s too old to say, “I love you.”
The One who got sick on his birthday
The One I call my Christmas Baby
Journaling Prompt: Write a naming poem for you or someone you care about.
What a wonderful way to pay tribute to our children, tracing their life milestones through verse. Each line shapes part of their identity so clearly. Sending Happy Birthday wishes your son’s way 🙂
You are such a wonderful mother, Mary. Happy birthday, to your son.
Happy Birthday, Zach! You’ve got a grrrreat mom!
(Mary, thanks for sharing a super idea…gonna do this for hub’s birthday in February.)
Mary, I love how the poem inspired you to write something similar for your own son. What a cool idea! It gave us a quick review/preview of who Zach is. We mothers know our children better than they know themselves. Each of them is a great blessing. I hope Zach enjoyed his day, and week. 🙂 Happy Birthday Zach!
I love it! Happy Birthday to your son!
oh wow, Mary, this post is beautiful. And what a surprise to see my name! :-))
Happy birthday to Zach. And many blessings.
Mary, thanks for commenting on my story. I’m glad you liked it. I think of you every time I see Alice.
Wow! That was awesome. I’m not a poet no matter how hard I tried over the years. So I accept the fact, although I do write some haiku from time to time. And thanks for stopping by Alex’s blog and saying hi! Youe support is much appreciated.
So much to think back with fond memories. A great way to say ‘I love you, son’.Happy Birthday Zach!
Mary, WOW!
You are such a cool mom! Tell your son happy birthday!
Merry Christmas, dear one.