Quote of the Day:  There is a spirit in all music, the spirit has the ability to conjure up thoughts even pictures of something that happened or you wished would happen or you anticipate happening. Music has the ability to create ideas in you and me. It has the ability to encourage us to be creative. – Maya Angelou

That quote from Maya Angelou, one of my favorite authors/performers, sings to my heart. When I am anywhere near good music, my creative spirit soars. Last year, I read about a local high school girl who was planning on pursuing a career in music. She said, “I love being part of the song.” I understood exactly what she meant. I love playing the piano, singing, and listening to music. Somehow, even as an audience member, I feel like I’m part of the song. I am so excited to hear that our local high school choir will be joining the amazing From Age to Age professional choir for an evening of Christmas music.

Confession: I have never heard Handel’s Messiah performed live. I’ll get the chance to hear parts of that masterpiece performed as well as many holiday favorites on Dec. 18, at 7:30 pm. at First Lutheran Church in Brainerd. My heart is already singing.

To learn more about From Age to Age, click here. I have written about this group several times. I am inspired by their director, Andrew Miller, for his creativity, his mission, and his ability to connect. He is serious about his art and giving professionals a place to sing. He is adventurous in his outreach and bringing an amazing musical experience to people all over the state, and he gives part of their free-will offering to a couple of global humanitarian causes. Whenever I attend one of his concerts, I am filled with creative spirit, sigh that it’s over, and leave with new energy to…

Go. Create. Inspire!

Journaling Prompt:  Write about someone or something that fills you with creative energy and encourages you to make it happen!