Quote of the Day: Tea for two, and two for tea, mint for me, Matilda for you. – song I’m singing as I plot against my easy rider mouse.
I’d like to thank Nezzy at Cowpatty Surprise for leaving a comment on my post about my misadventures with a mouse. Her blog is rip-roarin’ fun, filled with good Southern farm girl humor, and a catchy tune that becomes the theme of each post – a girl after my own rythmic heartstrings. She told me that mice don’t like mint, and that if I douse my van, etc. with the smell, they’ll stay away.
So, I looked in my cupboards. The only thing I had with mint was mint tea. So, I brewed some. Then, I threw the tea bag in the van. And, just for good measure, threw in a few extra. I had both spearmint and peppermint tea bags, and not knowing which one the mice hate more, I threw them both in. Then, when I was done drinking, I noticed a little liquid at the bottom of my teapot, so I “spilled” it on the floormat under my feet. When I went out for coffee the next morning, I ordered the mint mocha, of course. You know how at the bottom it gets a little thick from the chocolate? Well, I just left the lid off and set it right there in the cup holder of my van – the more mint smell the better, right?
After all the poking around I did with the lightsaber, and forcing my children to clear out all the junk and check under every seat, I decided it was a good time to bring the van in for a good washing. Plus, I’d rather have the guys at the car wash vacuum it out. I don’t want to put my face down there near where a mouse might be. I asked for “The Works” which includes an air freshener spray. I told them anything with a hint of mint. They said “new car” was the closest they had, then suggested stuffing dryer sheets under the seats and around in the van.
You guessed it, when I got home, I grabbed about seven dryer sheets, put one under each seat and around that carpet area under the dash and near the pedals because that seems like a very handy place for a mouse to enter.
I made more mint tea, invited Matilda and the mouse, and we’ll see what happens. But, just to be safe, I found a bottle of mint scented lotion which I have generously slathered on my arms and especially my legs. I also have a giant fear of one of those little critters crawling up my pants leg.
Alright, I’ll set the mouse wars aside for a minute and share with you a link about spicing up your life and feeling healthier too. I discovered this article while scooting around the internet this morning. Add spices to your health!
Okay, here’s the shopping list:
Go. Create. Inspire! (and sprinkle a few mint leaves around every door and window crevice – either that or use the toothpaste as caulking!)
Journaling Prompt: Do you have any “home” rememdies that work for you?
I cracked up over your title, Of Mice and Mint.
Ahh Nezzy, she is a wonderful girl full of fun, knowledge, and best of all- Missouri.
Great post! Love the cat.
Your just too funny girl!!! Thanks for the shout out sweetie.
The mint needs to be STRONG like extract or essential mint oil for it to work great. I’ve tried the dryer sheets and they might work for a short time and then the mice just use it for nest fodder.
Good luck…not so goo for Mickey! Heeehehehe!
Have a great day Hon!!!
Sorry I have no remedies, I hope the mint works. Maybe your kitty needs to work a little harder, too, on mouse patrol. Good luck!!
Your plays on words are great, and perfect for a gal whose blog title is Play off the Page! I’m stocking up on mint too, now. Thanks for the tip! Matilda must feel like a star now with so many blog posts featuring her. 🙂 (She had it planned all along, I’ll bet! The slacker image is just that — a ploy for attention!)
haa haa! I love that Roxane, Matilda the Slacker.
And to you my good friend, I shall grab the eeeviiill red lightsaber and stand by your side!
I did get outside, a good rake of the endless leaf pile.
Hilarious…I love simple solutions!
How about some Doublemint chewing gum..certainly it qualifies as mint:)
Only yesterday I was clearing my pantry ‘coz of tell tale signs of a mouse/ mice? Guess they must have come in from somewhere in the garden and even gone past my mint patch!! Gave the pantry a thorough clean and the door is shut now!!
Thanks for the laugh with your mouse story!! If nothing else, those mice are good for inspiring funny blog posts:)
I sure hope you got rid of the mouse in the van, that too would totally freak me out. Imagine seeing it around your feet as you were almost at an intersection where you were supposed to be stopping. An accident in the making for sure. Makes me shudder to think of it:( I think I’d be tucking my pant legs into my socks for a while.
I think I’m going to get myself some mint oil:)
Home remedies for mice? No–but I have used teabags on my eyes before. 🙂 And I believe in the cleaning power of vinegar and baking soda.
That is a great title!
Sorry, no home remedies for mice. Good luck!
Ok, for some reason I’m imagining myself going outside and scattering peppermint leaves around my car, in dramatic fashion, while chanting something Shakespearian! Heck, that’ll keep the mice AND the humans away 😉