Quote of the Day:  Through a strange chain of events, I received a link to your blog telling about your visit to the Hot Shops Art Center in Omaha. Friends, who had friends in about 4 different states, kept forwarding an email that was eventually received by another artist in the Hot Shops, and she forwarded to me. Must have something to do with the 6 degrees of separation! I am the one who made the glass for the piano and Mike Godek made the stainless steel baby grand piano. I thought you might like to see the finished product!

Thanks for mentioning us and the Hot Shops in your blog.

Gerry Klein

Here is the gorgeous finished project!  That message made me feel connected to the artist world, both at the Hot Shops, and around this globe of amazing artists.  I AM connected.  Here I sit in my office in my tiny little dot of a place in central Minnesota, yet my words have floated all around the globe (maybe?), clearly through several of these United States of America.

Thank you, JeMA, for bringing me to Omaha and introducing me to the Hot Shops.

Thank you, Gerry Klein for finding me through the six (or more) degrees of separation (better said: connections).

Thank you, Mike Godek, for pausing in your work that day to show us around, introduce us to your artist world, and bring us into the creative community.

Journaling Prompt:  Describe a time when a friend connected a friend, or a moment that led you into a great relationship or creative inspiration.